12 June 2019

A Tale of Bribery, Racketeering, and 28,000 Deaths

There are so many reasons to keep the NHS from being privatised; Here is just another one when a health system is based on profit rather than care.

 Insys Files for Bankruptcy

Fentanyl-peddler Insys Therapeutics (INSY) filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy just days after agreeing to pay the Department of Justice $225 million for its part in the ongoing opioid crisis.

The bankruptcy filing comes on the heels of a guilty plea, in which Insys admitted to five counts of fraud and bribing doctors to prescribe their dangerous opioid Subsys. (As well of two counts of being two-dimensional white-collar villains from a bad student film.)

Subsys is an oral spray developed for cancer patients that contains fentanyl — an opioid 100 times stronger than morphine. Just 3 milligrams of fentanyl can cause an overdose, compared to 30 milligrams of heroin. In 2017 alone, more than 28,000 U.S. citizens died of fentanyl overdoses.

For their part in the scheme, a federal jury in Boston found Insys founder John Kapoor and four former Insys execs guilty of racketeering (which sounds a lot better than “killing a whole bunch of people for money”).

Between 2012 and 2015, while Kapoor was chairman, Insys used fake “speaker programs” to bribe doctors to prescribe Subsys to patients in dangerously high doses, even if they didn’t need it.

The company also neglected to tell insurance companies just how dangerous the drug was, so they would cover the $10,000/month cost of a Fentanyl prescription.

Read the story from Bloomberg:-

10 June 2019

Is The Mainstream Igniting Pedophilia With ‘Victoria Secret’-Style Lingerie Show Featuring 5yo Girls? – Collective Evolution

Is The Mainstream Igniting Pedophilia With ‘Victoria Secret’-Style Lingerie Show Featuring 5yo Girls? – Collective Evolution: The latest movement within media and Hollywood pop culture seems to be an agenda to normalize pedophilia and the sexualization of children. The latest example of this was a fashion show that many feel crossed the line from – with scantily clad girls, who appear to be as young as five-years-old, walking the runway in a Victoria’s Secret–style show.

Google are too big for their boots. Time to find something better!

As if controlling what we can and can't see on Youtube and Google search wasn't enough, now Google what to control what we can and can't see with our web browser! Who the hell do they think they are? Thankfully there are other perfectly good web browsers to use. I have switched to Firefox. I tried Opera but it has a few licensing issues that prevent certain pages from working properly.

04 June 2019

Sonia Poulton; "forced adoption is a scandal'

This is so wrong and it needs to stop. How can it be stopped when the victims are forced into silence?

02 June 2019

Another Local Man Takes His Life. There's Not Enough Help in Wales.

When you ask for this kind of help here you are constantly turned away, and even told that "there's nothing wrong with you because you're working". If you're lucky enough to get to see a mental health professional then you are told the waiting list to see a psychiatrist is at least eighteen months. There is a severe shortage of psychiatric nurses in this area.

So don't get out your rope or tablets just yet, don't book the taxi to the Cleddau bridge, hang in there for eighteen months or so and you may get some help! Anyone suffering from a severe mental illness knows that each and every day is a struggle. Being told to wait eighteen months could just put the nail in their coffin.

I feel so sad for this man's family :-(


01 June 2019

Now Aldi are pulling the con trick!

What do you do with your left over out dated fruit? Simple, just put one of the out of date pieces into a pack of current fruit. Get full money for that old rotten fruit! I expected it from Tesco but Aldi never used to do this. Aldi is going downhill. No longer stocking some of my favourite food (balsamic vinegar for one), and often being out of stock of other things. They recently had a complete re-vamp in Haverfordwest and now seem to be gearing towards the ready meals market. Where do I go for my shopping now?

Surf Conning the Public

These companies are so careful to tell us when they are putting extra into the containers but so sneaky when they are reducing the quantity of the contents, even using the same sized container.

Over-flowing Bins In Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire

When rubbish bins are over-flowing, it shows that the people are trying to use the bins but not enough space is provided to accommodate the rubbish.

Pembrokeshire is a holiday destination and a coastal wildlife reserve loved by all the people who live here, and all the visitors that come to enjoy the area.

Would the council please show that they love the area, too?