26 November 2021

Watch this video if you suffer from depression or anxiety

If you know me you will likely know that I suffer from a number of mental illnesses including depression and anxiety. This video isn't a cure by any means but subscribe to this young lady's channel and watch one or more of her videos when you are feeling low. They may be what prevents you going too far over the edge. She lives with Cerebral Palsy and has a most amazing attitude towards life and living with her struggles. I promise you, you will be entertained by her, and her videos should help lift you up a bit from the dark place. Emily is very down to Earth and real. In this video she talks the scars on her face after toppling over into a pothole in her wheelchair.

Stay safe and seek out the people who will value you.

05 November 2021

'The stability we all depend upon is breaking,' says British naturalist ...

'The stability we all depend upon is breaking,' says British naturalist David Attenborough | COP26 - 2021