19 May 2012

Back on Facebook... for now?

Right, I'm back on Facebook for the time being. I finally figured out all the new privacy settings. Wow, it's so complicated now. Don't really want to spend so much time keeping up with it all so I will be spending a lot less time on Facebook from now on. I really can't be bothered with all the unnecessary new privacy complications, plus the new friend groups I am forced to have added to my perfectly fine groups list. As for the timeline, I don't like all that history showing on my profile page like that, it's awful. History should be automatically deleted after a few months. Facebook appear to be making a tonne of money from my discomfort. I have found a way to disable all Facebook adverts so they shan't be making money from me that way. As for selling on my data, are they doing that? All I can do about that is to make sure I delete old stuff. Need to find out how to go about that. Maybe create a new account every year and delete the old one? We'll see.

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