26 November 2021

Watch this video if you suffer from depression or anxiety

If you know me you will likely know that I suffer from a number of mental illnesses including depression and anxiety. This video isn't a cure by any means but subscribe to this young lady's channel and watch one or more of her videos when you are feeling low. They may be what prevents you going too far over the edge. She lives with Cerebral Palsy and has a most amazing attitude towards life and living with her struggles. I promise you, you will be entertained by her, and her videos should help lift you up a bit from the dark place. Emily is very down to Earth and real. In this video she talks the scars on her face after toppling over into a pothole in her wheelchair.

Stay safe and seek out the people who will value you.

05 November 2021

'The stability we all depend upon is breaking,' says British naturalist ...

'The stability we all depend upon is breaking,' says British naturalist David Attenborough | COP26 - 2021

29 October 2021

Gravitas: Elephants being born without tusks in Mozambique

An interesting video about how nature is changing and trying to adapt to the new world controlled by humans.

Fact vs. fake - why don’t we trust science any more? | DW Documentary

19 October 2021

Free music from Amazon until January 2022!

 Amazon are currently offering Amazon Music free for three months until 2022. If you aren't already a member of Amazon Music this is a perfect opportunity to give it a good trial run for 3 months. Just click here for more information.

24 September 2021

Openreach late night repairs keeping me awake most of the night!

This is the fast forward version.

This is the sped up version to music. I'll upload the full version later with some good study music. The times on this one are inaccurate but not worth rendering all over again so I left it. I'll correct them on the full version.

Somewhere around 1:45 is when the fun really starts.

Please support Whitesand, who made the music to this video.
Music: Guantamo by Whitesand
Whitesand's links:-

11 September 2021

Paedophile Hunter or Child Snare?

 I recently came across this Instagram account (https://www.instagram.com/pedo_hunter343/) that initially appears to be doing the right thing but when I thought about it a little more it could just as likely be a trap to lure in gullible children. Looking through the list of connections I see a lot of what appear to be children.s accounts. There are no contact details on the account, and no verification. Therefore that makes it an unknown and highly suspect. If this account is indeed genuine then it needs to be verified and approved by the police somehow. As it stands it should be considered a very dangerous trap for children.

Part of the advice on the account is to call the police. This may just be to make the account look genuine. The dangerous part is asked a child to contact the account first.

I have reported it to Instagram. It is up to them to verify the account holder in the proper way.

06 September 2021

Just me whinging at annoying Youtube Adverts

I know I can install an ad blocker but haven't in this video. I still have "skip ad" on my tablet so I'm guessing there may be a problem with Youtube's programming that may not properly support my browser or one of its extensions. I'm not looking for a solution, just pointing out how so very annoying Youtube adverts are these days. It has become particularly worse over the past year or so.

26 August 2021

How to lose weight, all you need to know; HERE FOR FREE!

I can never understand why people spend so much money on diet fads. The formula is simple; Eat less calories than you burn. Basically, you need to eat less or work more if you want to lose weight.

Knowing what to eat can be more complicated if you don't know too much about food. That's where this video from The Royal Institution by Giles Yeo will provide you with the knowledge you need to know what you should be eating, and why.

How We  Got the Science of Weight Loss Wrong - with Giles Yeo (Click here to get his book)

23 August 2021

All a child wants is to be allowed to love their parents

Petition · Abolish forced adoption, please help me reunite with my daughter with her being locally.. · Change.org

10,000: Please support me in my fight for a reunification.. - Sign the Petition! http://chng.it/WwNRYV25 via @UKChange Removing children from loving parents is wrong! Too many are gagged against speaking out.

Petition · Abolish forced adoption, please help me reunite with my daughter with her being locally.. · Change.org

Most parents aren't allowed to speak out.

People who have been through this side of the system don't believe what is happening. This is how they are able to get away with it.

Secret courts held without a jury. Judgements made without evidence but based on risk which is hurriedly put together by complete strangers to the families, often by social workers very young and inexperienced with life themselves.

Children being adopted out without any attempt or option to reunite them back with their parents. Once social services have ownership of a child they can discard the parents and the child's history. Just write them off. Leave them to kill themselves or enter into PTSD and other serious mental problems. Children are being treated and traded like livestock. Both children and parents put through severe trauma and torture just so that social workers can have an easier job to do.

It's time these child abusing authorities are exposed in public. This is very difficult because any details given out can put the parents into prison.

Please sign this petition, it's just a small step towards helping this mother and her child. It's a small step towards exposing what is really going on at Pembrokeshire County Council social services.

Let's put a stop to the cycle of damaged children becoming damaged adults that become an expensive burden on the system. Help families to protect their own children instead of ripping them away to be adopted to complete strangers.

Don't hate all social workers. They, too, have to work in a system which some of them don't agree with. There are those who do the best they can within the restrictions they have to work under.

30 June 2021

16 June 2021

Compliance with the NHS Digital national data opt-out

This page offers guidance in case of a GP practice saying they can't process the opt-out. There is also guidance for the GP to explain their responsibilities.

Information for GP practices - NHS Digital: Compliance with the national data opt-out

15 June 2021


See previous video below for original video about NHS digital data sharing, or follow these links:-

WANNACRY: The Story Behind The World's Largest Ransomware Attack

EXCLUSIVE 😯 Teacher Says “If We Tell The Truth We’ll Lose Our Jobs”

Well, I never heard of this until I watched this video. I did a small amount of checking and it is definitely true in Manchester, and parents are campaigning to have the police removed from the schools because it gives the schools a bad name. Do your own research for your area. I've not heard of it my area so I assume only in the cities. Doesn't sound good at all. Going back the way I remember things during the Thatcher era.

11 May 2021

New Bill Threatens Vanlife & Alternate living in the UK.

Submission deadline is 14th May 2021. It is part 4 of this bill that is of concern. Submit your evidence HERE: https://committees.parliament.uk/call... See Nate's Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNQNj... Have a read through Van Monkey's blog on this matter, they break it down and explain very well the issues that arise from this bill: https://www.vanmonkeys.com/blog/the-n... Subscribe to keep up with Project.Amber: https://www.youtube.com/c/projectamber

Gravitas: Chinese military probed weaponising Coronaviruses

04 March 2021

Can I get my kids back from social services in UK? - Human Rights Article 8

Can I get my kids back from social services in UK? - Section 39 of Children Act 1989
The original link to this page is here - https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1989/41/section/39

My main video host is at electrowave.uk
My videos are mirrored at odysee.com/@Cartha:d
Find my Youtube videos at youtube.com/c/Electrowave

Links to this video:-

Link to blog post - https://alifeinmyexistence.blogspot.com/2021/03/can-i-get-my-kids-back-from-social_33.html

More useful links can be found at https://start.me/p/PwlYxn/a

Can I get my kids back from social services in UK? - Section 39 of Children Act.

Click here for the Youtube playlist for this topic

Can I get my kids back from social services in UK? - Section 39 of Children Act 1989 The original link to this page is here - https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1989/41/section/39

Children Act 1989

My main video host is at electrowave.uk
My videos are mirrored at odysee.com/@Cartha:d
Find my Youtube videos at youtube.com/c/Electrowave

Links to this video:-

Link to blog post - https://alifeinmyexistence.blogspot.com/2021/03/can-i-get-my-kids-back-from-social_4.html

More useful links can be found at https://start.me/p/PwlYxn/a

03 March 2021

Can I get my kids back from social services in UK? GM v Carmarthenshire ...

Can I get my kids back from social services in UK? Before MR JUSTICE MOSTYN. GM v Carmarthenshire County Council. The Children Act allows for a care order to be discharged (section 39) and remarkably provides next to no guidance on when this should happen. It is purely a matter of judicial discretion. The courts have had to fill in the gap in the legislation. The original link to this page is here: http://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWFC/HCJ/2018/36.html Other links of interest within the page:- Human Rights Act 1998 Children's Act 1989
Section 39 of the Children's Act 1989 (Referred to in this video) [2013] UKSC 33 [2013] 1 WLR 1911 (2012) 54 EHRR 2 [2013] EWCA Civ 5 [2001] PNLR 22 [2015] EWHC 3433 (Ch) [2006] EWHC 2755 (Comm) My main video host is at electrowave.uk My videos are mirrored at odysee.com/@Cartha:d Find my Youtube videos at youtube.com/c/Electrowave Links to this video:- youtube.com odysee.com Link to blog post - https://alifeinmyexistence.blogspot.com/2021/03/can-i-get-my-kids-back-from-social_3.html

Related blog posts:-

Can I get my kids back from social services in UK?

"Mark Smith examines the way a Family Court judge dealt with an application for the discharge of a care order."

Read by Carl Harding.

The Children Act allows for a care order to be discharged (section 39) and remarkably provides next to no guidance on when this should happen. It is purely a matter of judicial discretion. The courts have had to fill in the gap in the legislation.

The original link to this page is here: localgovernmentlawyer.co.uk

Other links of interest within the page:-
GM v Carmarthenshire County Council - www.bailii.org​ (my video on this page at Youtube)
Five St. Andrew's Hill - www.5sah.co.uk
Mark Smith (Barrister) - www.5sah.co.uk/barristers/mark-smith

My main video host is at electrowave.uk
My videos are mirrored at odysee.com/@Cartha:d
Find my Youtube videos at www.youtube.com/c/Electrowave

Links to this video:-

Link to blog post - https://alifeinmyexistence.blogspot.com/2021/03/can-i-get-my-kids-back-from-social.html

20 February 2021

Understanding Autistic Brains with Dr Simon Baron Cohen

You can also get his book at https://tinyurl.com/6vdf6kxr